Blog: Wiki So Far Creating blog posts has been a good experience for me. I have so far created 11 blog posts and I love the process of researching and publishing my thoughts. I have given feedback to many classmates on their blog post through comments and I find it the best way to go about changing or editing wiki contents as it is a respectable approach in my opinion. I have created numerous blog post that focus on new media and the best one I think was "Creativity and New Media". I had the freedom to create instagram story that focus on an interactive prompt where followers could respond back to me and multiple additional features that would enable me to promote products for commission.
Blog: P2P File sharing is distributing or providing access to digital media like computer programs, multimedia, documents or anything that is in digital format. Peep-to-peer file sharing is when people utilize peer-to-peer networking technology to share and distribute digital media. It allows users to access media files like books, music, movies and even video games using P2P software program. One of the most prominent P2P software program is BitTorrent. The fact that its application enables faster download, more than 20 million people had already downloaded it back in 2005 according to Wired article. It was surprising to know that people were making a living off of patrons donation who use BitTorrent. Another example of P2P application was Napster. It was a popular application back in 2000s where people could share files but what separated them from others was their focus on enabling users to share and listen...